Fully Integrated Unequal Wilkinson Power Divider with PBG CPW on a GaAS Substrate

In this paper, two different approaches are proposed for obtaining CPW with high impedance such as an air-stacked coupled meander line and a PBG CPW structure. After evaluating the characteristic impedance of the proposed structure geometries, they will be applied for designing and fabricating the Unequal Wilkinson Power Divider. The Unequal Wilkinson Power Divider with power ratio of 1 to 3 is newly designed, simulated, and measured. The air-stacked coupled meander line and the PBG-CPW with 10 um in line width have same impedance characteristic as CPW with a line width of 4.5 um and 2.5 um, respectively. The insertion and return losses of the fabricated Power Divider are less than -0.7dB and -15dB, respectively. It also has excellent isolation characteristics with more than -20dB. The measurement is good agreement with the simulation.